Moscow is redeploying forces to Ukraine from Russian-backed breakaway regions in Georgia, according to British defence officials. The Ministry of Defence said that between 1,200 and 2,000 of these Russian troops are being organised into three battalion tactical groups. “It is highly unlikely that Russia planned to generate reinforcement in this manner, and it is
Photo courtesy of ImaxTreeHaving the right outerwear is crucial as we all prepare for the shift in temperature. By Ivy Tang Date March 30, 2022 Facebook Twitter Spring weather is unpredictable. One minute it’s warm and sunny, the next it’s cold and windy (and sometimes snowy). That’s why transitional coats are essential for this confusing
“It was difficult,” he said at the time, claiming Willis “wouldn’t even sit for a f–king poster shoot.”  Smith added, “Were it not for Tracy, I might have killed either myself or someone else in the making of f–king Cop Out.” On March 30, Willis’ family—wife Emma Heming Willis, their kids Mabel Willis, 9, and Evelyn Willis, 7, ex Demi
Britain’s trade secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan has admitted she is uncomfortable about India “sitting on the fence” over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – as Liz Truss begins a visit to the country. Ms Truss, the foreign secretary, will urge India’s government to join other democracies in condemning Vladimir Putin’s action – with trade, investment and cyber