
Sandals’ credibility died when German tourists co-opted them abroad. Like the cargo shorts Düsseldorf natives so often pair them with, sandals are a victim of their own design. Sturdy and breezy, they make perfect sense when strolling over sun-scorched pavements. And because fashion hates function, that utility means they’re also adept at killing looks. Or,
(Photo by Priyanka Dhopade) “That is not how we do things in Canada. A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian.” That was Prime Minister Trudeau’s response to Trump’s latest racist tweet tirade where he told Democratic congresswomen of colour to “go back” to the countries they came from—disregarding the fact that all of them
The occasions that require you to dress up in a suit are increasingly few and far between. And with the impact of sportswear on men’s clothing, or at least the move to dressing more comfortably, it’s hardly surprising that tailoring is getting a major re-think. But one product of this shift is already here and
(Photo: Getty, Illustration: Aimee Nishitoba) My timeline looks more like a time warp these days. Aside from the terrifying rollbacks of U.S. civil liberties and reactions to Disney’s numerous live-action remakes, my social media feed has been filled with pics of senior citizens. Truly, it looks like the who’s-who of an international retirement community. In case