
Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino have both been at the filmmaking game for a long time, with the former making his cinematic debut in 1967 with Who’s That Knocking at My Door, and the latter delivering his first feature-length offering, Reservoir Dogs, in 1992. However, not only is the latter’s filmography nowhere near as big
When it comes to trailblazers in the world of movies, Richard Roundtree ranks pretty high on the list. His time as private detective John Shaft earned him the designation of being the “first Black action hero,” and he built an impressive resume of film and TV work outside of that role. Unfortunately, it’s been announced
Whenever the discussion of the best sports movies of all time, it doesn’t take long for that conversation to start focusing on great boxing titles like Raging Bull or the Rocky franchise. There’s something about the sport, as well as the men and women who dedicate their lives to it, that translates well in action,
Celebrity friendships are certainly beautiful, and Reese Witherspoon would know that better than most. She’s amassed a pretty impressive friend group over the years that includes major names like Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Aniston and Mindy Kaling, who’s currently working with her as a writer on Legally Blonde 3. Among that clique is also Jennifer Garner,
Remember the Divergent movies? Not only did the dystopian book adaptations bring a ton of young talent like Shailene Woodley, Theo James and Miles Teller to the big screen, it also enlisted the great talents of some established actors, especially with Kate Winslet being cast as one main Divergent villain, Jeanine Matthews. Spoiler alert: Jeanine
Every year, moviegoers are dazzled by the on-screen talents of Hollywood’s best and brightest, and come awards season, many of those actors and actresses get a chance to wow us all over again on the red carpet. The Academy Awards are known to feature some bold looks from its attendees, and many of those choices
Hocus Pocus remains a Halloween season staple as it celebrates its 30th anniversary this spooky season. One of the season’s most beloved not-so-scary witch movies isn’t without a rather dark premise though. It revolves around the hilarious Sanderson sisters as they scramble to suck the soul of at least one child in order to save