
Desolation Center Synopsis Desolation Center is the previously untold story of a series of early 80s guerrilla music and art performance happenings in Southern California that are recognized to have paved the way for Burning Man, Lollapalooza and Coachella. Read Full Synopsis
Depraved Synopsis Suffering from PTSD following his stint as an army medic, Henry (David Call) now works feverishly in his Brooklyn laboratory to forget the death he witnessed overseas by creating life in the form of a man cobbled together from body parts. Read Full Synopsis
SPECIAL OFFER X Take your crew & get $5 off your purchase of two or more tickets with promo code ‘HUSTLERS’. LIMITED SUPPLY. Supplies are limited to 3,000 Codes. Offer is valid from 9:00 a.m. PT on 9/9/2019 through 6:00 p.m. PT on 9/13/2019, while supplies last. Offer is valid in the U.S. only to
Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice Synopsis In LINDA RONSTADT: THE SOUND OF MY VOICE, Ronstadt is our guide through her early years of singing Mexican canciones with her family; her folk days with the Stone Poneys; and her reign as the “rock queen” of the ‘70s and early ’80s. Read Full Synopsis
Hayley Atwell has officially accepted her Mission: Impossible 7 casting invitation. Director Christopher McQuarrie and the actress made the announcement on social media. Atwell is arguably best-known for her role as Peggy Carter within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Carter was last seen, albeit briefly, in this year’s Avengers: Endgame where she received that long-promised dance
Edie Synopsis Believing that it’s never too late, newly widowed Edie (Sheila Hancock) embarks on a trip to the Scottish Highlands to fulfill her dream of climbing the intimidating Mt. Suilven, striking up a friendship with a young climber along the way. Read Full Synopsis