
Why are people acting so crazy these days?  Because crazy behavior is becoming the new normal.  In other words, what was clearly insane ten years ago is normal today.  Why?   One of the most potent causes is what researchers call “toxic leadership.” We have an example of toxic leadership in the firing of the Speaker of
By Howard Bloom On Tuesday September 21st, Target announced that it was closing nine stores in four states in October because of a new form of organized crime—smash and grab robberies, flash robberies.   The sort of robberies that hit a Wawa convenience store in Philadelphia on Sunday September 24, when it was invaded by between
In a story that appeared Wednesday morning, September 14th, The Wall Street Journal exposed a hidden crisis called the silver tsunami.  What’s the silver tsunami?  It’s a tidal wave of homelessness among the elderly.  Senior citizen homelessness today is five times what it was in 1990.    Who are today’s homeless elderly? Baby boomers. A
Although COVID-19 swept the nation over three years ago, the ramifications of the pandemic are still very much alive today. While businesses are trying to get back on their feet, many have yet to take advantage of a program that could quicken their financial recovery, the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC). With deadlines on the