Aaron Taylor Johnson Has Been Rumored For Bond For A While Now, But Henry Cavill’s Latest Comments Have Me Intrigued


There are long-running movie franchises, and then there’s James Bond. Generations grew up watching 007’s adventures, with various actors taking on the role. With Daniel Craig’s Bond movies in the rear view, there’s been a ton of debate and speculation about who might be the next name to take the mantle. While it was reported that Aaron Taylor-Johnson might be signing on, there are other who want to see Henry Cavill as the MI6 agent. And as rumors continue swirling, Cavill’s latest comments about the role have me intrigued.

Cavill was in the running to play 007 before the role went to Daniel Craig, so this conversation has been happening for a long time. While he went on to take major franchise roles like Superman, some moviegoers still want to see his take as Bond. The Witcher actor recently appeared on The Rich Eisen Show, where he addressed the ongoing discourse about him replacing Craig. He said:

I have no idea. All I’ve got to go off is the rumors. The same information you have. Maybe I’m too old now, maybe I’m not. It’s up to Barbara Broccoli and Mike Wilson and we’ll see what their plans are.

I’m listening, Mr. Cavill. Because rather than denying any interest in the role or agreeing that he’s too old to play James Bond, he still seems open to the possibility of portaying 007. Maybe he could end up snatching the role from Aaron Taylor-Johnson after all. 

Cavill’s comments mention his age, which has definitely been a point in the ongoing discourse surrounding James Bond. It was rumored that Eon productions was looking for an actor in his 30s to play Bond, given how long actors like Daniel Craig and Pierce Brosnan have played the role. What’s more, 007 is an inherently physical character, with Craig getting injured multiple times throughout his run. 

Since Cavill is out as Superman, his schedule would presumably be more forgiving for the Bond franchise. And he’s proven how great he’d be as a superspy in Argylle

Aaron Taylor-Johnson standing somberly, in a World War I uniform, in The King's Man.

(Image credit: 20th Century Studios)

Of course, there are a number of other actors whose named have been tossed around to possibly replace Daniel Craig as James Bond. As previously mentioned, the most popular currently is Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who was rumored to be circling the role. If age is a big factor, the Kick-Ass actor is a mere 33 years old, so Eon could presumably get a long run out of him. But despite the rumors that he was going to sign on the dotted line last month, there hasn’t been any real information released to the public. 

Whoever lands the gig, they’ll have some big shoes to fill after Daniel Craig’s acclaimed run as 007. His movies brought serialized storytelling and a gritty feel to the franchise, and the ending of No Time To Die broke new ground for the franchise. 

While we wait for news about casting, be sure to check out the 2024 movie release dates to plan your next movie experience. 

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