Month: July 2022

A flashy Rolls Royce-driving Gucci suit-wearing New York priest says his showy lifestyle was not to blame for a gunpoint robbery that happened during one of his live-streamed services. Dramatic footage shown on Bishop Lamor Miller-Whitehead’s social media live platforms captured the moment three hooded, masked gunmen burst into his service and stole the hundreds
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Liz Truss castigated Rishi Sunak’s “doom and gloom” approach to the economy during another Conservative leadership debate in which the candidates appeared willing to trash the party’s own record in government. The foreign secretary, who sat alongside the former chancellor in Boris Johnson’s cabinet for more than two years, suggested the government’s raising of taxes
It’s five months since Vladimir Putin sent troops into Ukraine and four since Russia published any kind of casualty count. 1,351 Russian servicemen killed, they said then, with no update since. No word on the missing either. “The families aren’t told where they’ve gone missing or the circumstances,” says Valentina Melnikova, who runs the Committee