By Howard Bloom Wednesday morning at 8:30 am Eastern Time, India landed its first rover on the surface of the moon. It’s called Chandrayaan-3. Which means “moon craft” in Sanskrit. Fourteen hours later, the Chandrayaan-3’s rover rolled out and, said India’s space agency, “took a walk around.” But, unlike America’s rovers on Mars, which keep on trucking
the Howard Bloom institute
By Howard Bloom Thomas S. Dee, an education professor at Stanford University, has just released the results of a study he carried out in partnership with the Associated Press. The study’s topic is student absenteeism in 40 states, and the results are disturbing. The Dee study concludes that 6.5 million students are chronic absentees. They are absent
By Howard Bloom In 1968 Pope Paul VI established a Global Peace Day. A New Year’s Day on which the Pope gives a speech “reflecting the signs of our times.” Wednesday August 9th, the Vatican put out an announcement about the speech the pope will give at next year’s Peace Day, coming up on January 1st,
By Howard Bloom The Washington Post ran a headline Wednesday, August 2, saying Donald “Trump has been indicted before. Historians say this time is different.” Why is this time different? From the Democrat point of view, we are at a turning point in American history. The next 458 days, many Democrats feel, will determine whether
By Howard Bloom Digital IDs are sweeping the world, but are barely seeping into America. This American techno-sluggishness has disturbing implications. We Americans have traditionally led the world with our technologies and our infrastructure. That is no longer the case. Our roadways and airports make us look like a third world country. Even our water and
For three years, ever since the Covid 19 pandemic hit the United States in 2020, there have been two factions at war over the origins of Covid. One group says Covid came from bats in the caves near Wuhan, China. Another group says that Covid was a virus cooked up by the Chinese in their
By Howard Bloom The figures are staggering. During this Fourth of July weekend, there were 22 mass shootings in 13 states. Yes, twenty-two mass shootings. What’s more, twenty Americans were killed and 126 were injured in the five days between last Friday and early Wednesday morning. But that’s just the toll from mass shootings. Over the last week,
By Howard Bloom In my opinion, the sooner Vladimir Putin leaves the planet the better. He’s a mass murderer. But the fact is that Putin has pulled off a miracle. The news media says that the mutiny against Russia’s military leaders on Saturday June 24 shows Putin’s weakness. But that’s dead wrong. The mutiny shows Vladimir Putin’s
There’s a term that used to be applied to mass hysterias, a panic. And we are in a social network panic. The Surgeon General of the United States, Vivek Murthy, a man who normally stays in the shadows, has issued a 25-page advisory with 104 research references warning of “a profound risk of harm” to
A new Gallup survey of 5,167 American adults says that depression in the USA has just reached new heights. The percentage of respondents who report having had depression “at some point in their lifetime” has gone up ten points since 2015. It’s now at 29%. In other words, nearly a third of us have been
It would be nice if we could all fight off the forgetfulness and the brain decline of age by simply listening to music, which is what the headline of a story in StudyFinds April 18th promised. Alas that’s not quite what the new study the report is about demonstrates. The new research comes from eleven
Howard Bloom has just launched The Big Bang Tango on Substack to give readers the Truth Behind the Headlines. His job is to surprise you, and he really does. Read The Big Bang Tango by Howard Bloom on Substack here: Howard Bloom of the Howard Bloom Institute has been called the Einstein, Newton, and
One of the highest figures in the American military called it the most disturbing thing he’d seen in his 52 year career. In 2022, China announced that Beijing would triple its number of nuclear weapons by 2035. The Department of Defense took that announcement seriously. In a recent report on “Military and Security Developments”[i] in China,
Twenty years ago in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, four children–Latavia Washington McGee, Shaeed Woodard, Zindell Brown, and Eric Williams–were inseparable friends. According to Zindell Brown’s sister, they stuck together “like glue.” Latavia is now 33 and the mother of six children. When she decided to get her figure in shape with a three to five
By Howard Bloom Two Iranians in their early twenties have just been sentenced to a longer period of time in jail than a murderer. What in the world could they have done to deserve this punishment? Social networking. On October 26th, the two Iranians, Astiyazh Haghighi and her fiancée, Amir Mohammad Ahmadi, posted a video of
Today Gallup, one of the most respected polling organizations in America, issued the result of a survey it did from November 9 to December 2. The first line of the report was disturbing. Says Gallup, “Americans’ self-reports of mental health are their worst in over” 20 years. Gallup explains that, “We’ve hit a record low