Welcome to Today in Books, where we report on literary headlines at the intersection of politics, culture, media, and more. It Feels Like a Lot Because It Is a Lot If your latest scroll through the Netflix menu left you feeling like every other option was based on a book, you’re not super wrong. Nearly one-third
By Howard Bloom On Tuesday, February 20, at 1:54 pm, an American Airlines flight took off from Albuquerque’s International Sunport headed for Chicago, a three-hour flight away.   Roughly half an hour into the flight, a passenger, Emma Ritz, says that a man whose seat was next to the emergency exit “cracked open the window that
Graham Halstead serves up an atmospheric performance in the audiobook of The Glutton (11 hours), A.K. Blakemore’s mesmerizing novel about a peasant boy with a voracious appetite for just about anything. Tarare is a sickly man close to death, strapped to his hospital bed and watched over by a nun who is terrified by rumors
The Odysseus moon lander has successfully touched down. The privately-owned Intuitive Machines’ lander is the first US lander to successfully touch down on the moon’s surface in more than 50 years – since the last of NASA’s Apollo programme in 1972. It is also the first ever private craft to land on the moon. There
We all know the trope of the hero defeating evil, getting the girl, and they live happily ever after. That isn’t always what happens in life or at the movies. Sometimes the bad guy wins. Sometimes the hero can’t come out on top. These movies will sometimes stick with us days or weeks, so here’s