Almost Home (2019) Synopsis A teenage girl flees abuse at home to join a strong but troubled young woman that’s been living on the streets. She joins a de facto family of other homeless youth struggling to survive on the streets of Los Angeles. Read Full Synopsis
We’re off for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, but we’ll be back tomorrow with our regularly scheduled programming. In the meantime, we encourage you to get cozy and surround yourself with great reads (how about books by Native American authors). Enjoy this #BTS look at our day: via GIPHY Enter to win $250 to spend at
Thousands of people gathered in the chilly streets of New York on Thursday (Nov. 28) to celebrate the 93rd annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. In addition to the beloved balloons and marching bands, the massive parade also featured some high-profile music performances by Celine Dion, Lea Michele, NCT 127, Kelly Rowland, Idina Menzel, Ozuna, Ciara
Photograph courtesy of brandLooking to simplify your skincare routine? This is your answer. By Maddison Glendinning Date November 27, 2019 icon-facebook icon-twitter In SL&Co., Susanne Langmuir’s new Toronto lab, a long minimalist countertop invites the feeling of endless possibility and hints at the values of her new brand: aN-hydra. Langmuir, best known for Bite Beauty,