Have you ever watched news coverage of a devastating international conflict and thought, “I can’t imagine that ever happening here?” You no longer need to imagine. Using jaw-dropping production work, harrowing set design, and visceral war-ravaged camera operation, Alex Garland’s remarkable Civil War takes us on a white-kncukle road trip through a divided America, as
If reading is a way to get whisked away to a whole new world, reading via audiobook allows you to dive even deeper into an author’s imagination. With advances in recording technology, audiobooks can incorporate music, sound effects, and talented voice actors to build an atmosphere of total immersion for the reader. Frequent readers of
10. Despite fans’ desires, pairing off managing partner Harvey with Rafferty’s Donna was not a foregone conclusion in creator Korsh’s mind. ”When I wrote the pilot, I wasn’t like, ‘Harvey and Donna are destined to be together,’ or even, ‘Are they going to be the big “will they or won’t they?”‘ But we definitely went through that
McDonald’s customers say they have been turned away from restaurants around the world, including in the UK, after the fast food chain was hit by major IT problems. British diners have complained about restaurants being shut, despite many being able to place orders through the company’s app. McDonald’s Japan has halted all operations at most
Movies based on true stories and real history have been staples in Hollywood since its earliest days. Getting the history incorrect has been a tradition as well. It’s important to note that just because a movie isn’t 100% true, doesn’t always mean it’s a bad movie.  There are many reasons filmmakers may choose to omit
by Howard Bloom  The TikTok issue is one of the biggest damned if you do, damned if you don’t problems on America’s agenda.  On April 14, 2023, nearly a year ago, Montana became the first state to try to ban TikTok, but a US District Judge put a temporary halt to the ban, saying it