7 Coronavirus Work-From-Home Tips By Howard Bloom

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Coronavirus Tips for working from home from a man who spent fifteen years confined to his bedroom by me/cfs and used the time to write three books and to found two international scientific groups—author and activist Howard Bloom.

1.    Fill your work area with clocks.  When you work from home, you lose track of time and of time pressures.  Clocks can give you an appropriate sense of urgency.  And they can keep you aware of deadlines.

2.    Start with something stupid.  When you lack social input, your mind can easily go blank.  Start your workday with something easy.  Like doing your email.  That will get your brain warmed up and thinking.

3.    Do your hardest task of the day within the first 90 minutes of your work time. The task that intimidates you the most is usually the task with the biggest payoff.  You have to get to it before your energy flags.

4.    Punctuate your week with two or three regularly scheduled cyber meetings.  Talking to others will help slake your thirst for companions outside your home.  And it will get your brain going, attacking challenges from unexpected angles.  It’s “how do I know what I think until I hear what I have to say.”

5.    Get out and walk long distances twice a day.  A mountain of research shows that exercise ups the activity of your immune system, increases your ability to ward off illness, relieves depression, increases longevity, and satisfies what science master E.O. Wilson calls your biophilia, your need to see things that are green.

6.    List the things you need to do tomorrow at the end of your work day, while your mind is still churning. And include the locations of the computer files you will need to advance your tasks.  In all probability, when you get up in the morning you will no longer remember these things.  Extensive research shows that human memory is more fallible than most of us think.

The next morning, start all over again with last night’s list and begin by doing something stupid.

Follow Howard Bloom On The Web:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howard.bloom

Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/user/howbloom

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/HowardXBloom

The official website for Howard Bloom may be found at https://www.howardbloom.net

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