International Women’s Month Six Inspirational Women

Celebrity, Interviews, US, World

International Women’s Month is a celebration of the women’s rights movement, and awareness of issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women. These six extraordinary women bring us positive statements to encourage other women to thrive ahead, no matter what the barriers are.

Eileen Shapiro

Courage cannot move Mountains, but it can show us how to climb and find a way to forge a path that we believe in.
We yearn for our visions to pierce the veil. Have faith in the people you love. This is the present, and that is all we are certain of.


Cindy D’Adamo

With over twenty years lovingly spent mentoring and supporting independent arts and events, as well as raising a family, I feel I have a well of self-awareness and a working knowledge of interpersonal dynamics from which I draw daily offering positive social messages of support, encouragement, and humor. There comes a time, as Oprah once said, where just as you get the wisdom to do it all you realize your path. Finding my path and continuing on it provides a continual education in the classroom of life. I learn and sometimes unlearn something new every day. My message to women coming up would be to look back at what delighted you as a child, to return to your loves and passions, and to live and live fully. Success is determined by the goals you set and your journey as you explore the path towards them.


Kadrolsha Ona Carole

I  am dedicated to helping women succeed in their business and personal goals. Each and every day women are faced with difficulties that men can not even imagine. We are paid less and often thought of as an afterthought. My positive message to women of all ages, and all walks of life is to never stop believing in yourself. Take that belief and push other women forward. By helping other women you are actually helping yourself with self-confidence and strength.


Niki Borger

I was raised to be quiet, sit still, fit in, play it small, and be of service to others, whether they reciprocate it or not. Those were the qualifications of a “good woman” in Europe many years ago, but the beliefs are still held subconsciously by many today. They imply that me being me and me doing what I want isn’t enough. To anybody who resonates with this upbringing, I want to say the same things I keep reminding myself of: You are worthy and deserving just by being who you are. You deserve to be loved unconditionally, by yourself and others. You don’t have to make sacrifices or cut yourself short to be worthy of other people’s affection. You can achieve anything you set your mind to. And most of all, you deserve to be happy.


Wendy Stuart

I believe in following the “yes’s”. It took me a long time to understand that if you choose friends that champion you and lift you up, you can make your dreams happen! I believe that women who cheer on other women, who support each other, will all get what they want to have in their lives! No one can do this alone. When you look at successful women, they have worked hard but they have also surrounded themselves with other successful women. Ones that say “yes you can” and then get out there and help. In thinking like this one has to avoid the emotional vampires. The ones that seem to latch on and take both in words and action. When you evaluate your friendships ask yourself, how is this person a positive influence in my life. If you have to think too long, and negative thoughts start to enter your head, guess what? You have to walk the other way! And believe me, once you do it, you’ll be amazed at the clarity you’ll get!



Lori Diamond

I’m just a regular gal, living a life that is bountiful in love, creativity, passion and purpose. Am I faced with massive challenges on a regular basis? Of course! But I’m fully committed to my calling as a nurturing Mom, a devoted Partner, a loving daughter, a compassionate friend, a curious student, a fierce advocate and an affirming mentor. Like most women, I’m aiming incredibly high each day to make a positive impact on those around me and also like most women, I really could use a year-long nap!  Personally, I’m able to thrive when I foster a positive perspective that is woven with plenty of silly humor, healthy spirituality and a humble celebration of my own worth. I am more than good enough, and like you, I am a spark of the divine just trying to make the best of this crazy journey we all share.



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