Month: October 2022

The dangerous thing about this iteration of the book banning brigade is that they are using strategies and resources that weren’t around in decades earlier. While book banners in the 1990s and the 2020s both equate queer books/kids/teachers/etc. with pedophilia, they are finding this (mis)information and spreading it faster than they ever could in years
Photography courtesy of MAC Cosmetics. Graphic by Kayleen DicuangoThe makeup giant has teamed up with Marvel Studios for the upcoming ‘Black Panther’ film. By Sarah Mariotti and Natasha Boateng Date October 29, 2022 Facebook Twitter MAC Cosmetics and Marvel Studios join forces for a Black Panther-themed makeup collection Mark your calendars, Canada! On November 1,
Hailing from Croatia, Matroda has become a household name within the house music community. Inspired by historic artists like Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, and Frank Sinatra, Matroda received classical training in keyboard, drums, and violin. Merging this knowledge with unique basslines, vocal chops, and other house components, this young producer has forged his own signature
In her debut novel, Sign Here, author Claudia Lux presents a modern vision of hell as a capitalist bureaucracy of the most inane, obnoxious variety. Souls arrive in Hell on different levels, depending on how badly they sinned in their former lives. The worst of the worst head to what is known as Downstairs. Some
Michael Gove has defended cabinet colleague Suella Braverman’s controversial reappointment, describing her as a “first-rate, front-rank politician”. Ms Braverman was forced to resign from Liz Truss’s government after she sent an official document from her personal email to a fellow MP and copied in another MP by mistake. New Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is under